Before I embark to the story, I should briefing on what was happens, the raining keeps continuously since last two weeks. It's doesn't seem to give an indicator to stop. In this case, there are two possibilities, whether it going to stop or keep raining.
From the two possibilities above, we can again divide into two consequences for each conclusions. If the raining ceased, we in the Perlis state will be safe, because there is no flood coming in. But, if the rain keep continuosly fall, there are possibilities Perlis will struck in flood again (Perlis was hit by flood on last December).
That means the probability to be flood again is 50%. 50% to feel safe and 50% to receive the return of flood.
What is the pre-caution steps to be taken?
This is my analysis.
a = no flood coming
b = flood.
a = 50% ; b=50%
if a,
continue your life as usual.
if b;
you should prepare many things,
i. Prepare money.
ii. Prepare food, in case flood encircle in your home.
iii. Prepare oil in your car tank.
iv. Prepare to move your car to higher place.
v. Prepare you spiritual and emotional.
vi. Take all your documents at a safe place.
vii. Throw away rubbish and old newspaper, no need to keep it because it is not the precious thing to transfer to your heir.
viii. Put your TV set at the solid table.
ix. Switch OFF your Distribution board.
x. Prepare to work hard after the water recede.
xi....of course many arguments to blame an authority.
if you go for a, nothing to be waste.
if you go for b, nothing to be waste, but eventually, you keep at least prepare.
so, the best choice is b#.
The sky still look dark. there is no sign the rain will stop. I going to home now, to at least prepare on whatever occurs.
Thank you. Don't forget, please pray for no flood and I will past my PI. Hehe