Monday, December 05, 2011

I'm back

Hi my not so many readers,

If you want to know more about Professional Engineer in Malaysia, fell free to visit my new website :

I just want to share my experiences.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You must win at the first stage

I had email to IEM HQ to ask regarding my PI result. It became more complicated. Now, my report has to be submitted to another commitee.

It is all began with the second interviewer who commented my PI report was not satisfactory. then, my report has been submitted to third reviewer. The third reviewer gave the same comment. Then, my report has been submitted to PI board. See... how complex it works. It is at the third stage now. Tomorrow, my report will be submitted to executi commitee. I have know the results. I'm going to fail.

The reason is simple. Normally, executive comittee will take the comment from their subordinate.

I had make a research on how to face any consequences. If pass, it all become nice. If fail, you should wait one year to sit back PI. Fuh!! so bored to wait.

By the way, the key point is, always tackle your first interviewer. In case second interviewer was not satisfy, the first interviewer can overwrite the second interviewer.

I was nervous. To be continued...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My PI ....

I had been email to Mrs. Norimah yesterday asking about my PI results. She wrote back, my results was returned by third interviewer to IEM HQ.

Wah, it created more tensed. She also said that my results will be bring to IEM Meeting (another meeting). And the final outcome should be next week. My dear readers, please pray for me.

There are two consequences, whether fail or pass.

But I hope, it will be pass. Just to share, it took almost one year since I had submitted my application to sit for PI. My form had been rejected for 5 times... and now I'm going to face the results. Wait..............

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday.
I don't want any presents.

How about Iphone?

How about Ipad?

How about Samsung LED 3D TV?

How about candle light dinner with Taylor Swift?

Don't be childish. So, what do you want?
Please somebody, call IEM HQ, and ask them to send me an email to say that I was successfully elected as a Corporate Member of IEM.

That's it.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Why engineer?

I was read in a JURUTERA magazine published by IEM last month. It is simple to differentiate career as an engineer to other career. Let's we consider doctor, lawyer and engineer. How is it differ to each other.

Doctor, if doctor failed, one life goes away.

Lawyer, if lawyer failed, one goes to jail.

Engineer, if engineer failed, it will bring disaster.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Eeventually, flood did not hit my house. Last Friday, after working, immediately I drove to my hometown in Kepala Batas, Penang. But, while driving to my hometown, my mind keep thinking about my house. Before my family and I depart from Perlis, the weather seems getteing better, but in the paddy field, flood was still occupied it.

When I arrived home, I still contacted my neighbour to ask them what is the conditions of our house. The answer is positive. The flood keep recede.

I have pass that flood phase. Now to facing another most worrying me.
When my PI results is to be announced?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Places hit by flood

Just to share with my friends who lived in Perlis. Here the confirmed places hits by flood.

1. Roundabout TNB.
2. RHB Bank
3. Anjung Keli
4. Mahkamah
5. Hospital
6. Sek. Men. Teknik
7. ...if I have time, I will add more.

I'll be waiting until this evening, if there is no changes, keep raining, I must go to Penang.
Hopefully, no more flood.

it's gonna be flood again

Before I embark to the story, I should briefing on what was happens, the raining keeps continuously since last two weeks. It's doesn't seem to give an indicator to stop. In this case, there are two possibilities, whether it going to stop or keep raining.

From the two possibilities above, we can again divide into two consequences for each conclusions. If the raining ceased, we in the Perlis state will be safe, because there is no flood coming in. But, if the rain keep continuosly fall, there are possibilities Perlis will struck in flood again (Perlis was hit by flood on last December).

That means the probability to be flood again is 50%. 50% to feel safe and 50% to receive the return of flood.

What is the pre-caution steps to be taken?

This is my analysis.
a = no flood coming
b = flood.

a = 50% ; b=50%

if a,
continue your life as usual.

if b;
you should prepare many things,
i. Prepare money.
ii. Prepare food, in case flood encircle in your home.
iii. Prepare oil in your car tank.
iv. Prepare to move your car to higher place.
v. Prepare you spiritual and emotional.
vi. Take all your documents at a safe place.
vii. Throw away rubbish and old newspaper, no need to keep it because it is not the precious thing to transfer to your heir.
viii. Put your TV set at the solid table.
ix. Switch OFF your Distribution board.
x. Prepare to work hard after the water recede.
xi....of course many arguments to blame an authority.


if you go for a, nothing to be waste.

if you go for b, nothing to be waste, but eventually, you keep at least prepare.

so, the best choice is b#.


The sky still look dark. there is no sign the rain will stop. I going to home now, to at least prepare on whatever occurs.

Thank you. Don't forget, please pray for no flood and I will past my PI. Hehe

Monday, March 28, 2011

Facing another problem.

I had contacted IEM HQ, PJ. Yes, my report was submitted by IEM Kedah/Perlis, and IEM HQ had received it.

Now, I have to face another problem. Due to my interviewer, my PI results was not satisfactory. Hence, my report is to be taken by third party. I think it will be more crucial. As you know or maybe you already know, IEM HQ is more stringent compare to IEM branch. This process begin with, set up a meeting to find a proper reviewer. Then the reviewer take my documents, study and finally makes a conclusion. This process require 2-3 months. This process is carried out under Examination and Training (E&T) commitee.

So, what to do. At outside, raining keep continuosly since yesterday. My mind keep revolve. But I have an option to keep it stop. Guess? Yes, take my pillow and sleep.

If you read this, do pray for me. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Where's my results?

Dear friends,

I'm still waiting for my PI results. Since 28 Dec 2010 until now, it's more than two months. Normally, if you take PI at HQ PJ, it only take 1 month to process. But, for my case, it has been drag to more than two months.

Yesterday, I was calling IEM HQ to check for my PI results, but IEM HQ staff informed that they still didn't received my documents. It makes me a little bit nervous. I'm worried if my document have been missing. HQ staff asked me to check with IEM branch.

Then, I've called IEM brach and IEM branch staff informed that they still waiting for second interviewer to return my document. That makes me relief.

The conclusions is, I must wait for how many months?
The answer is, up to IEM branch.

Waiting make me suffer.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

professional interview

salam to all,

i would like to share with readers what happen during interview session. Principle interviewer 1 arrive at 8.55 am. while waiting for the 2nd interviewer, we (me and 2 other candidates) was brief about the responsibility of PE. He also shares his experience during his PI.

He also want us to attract younger generation to become PE. then, 2nd interviewer arrive. after completing several forms, we then ask to select code of ethics question. I choose question number 2, about privatization. and another question which is created by interviewer was "how to encourage university student to become PE.

We then, write the essay for 3 hours sharp. we can't even discuss because it is very tough job to finish your essay with 1000 words each. my hand also was cramp. after 3 hours, we was asked to wait outside the meeting room before interviewer call one by one.

i am the second candidates. i introduce myself. give my background. then interviewer open my report and ask me page by page on what im doing. i can answer every questions. i feel good. the they ask me to design simple electrical system. i manage to do it.

suddenly, 1st interviewer ask me a very simple question, based on my drawing, what is ELR?
I silent, slent, silent and my answer is I don't know. Fuhh!! nice try.

So keep in mind, ELR is earth leakage relay.

I still don't know about my status. i was inform to wait for 2-3 months. till the just pray.